Hello, ladies!
Today I am from another time. Call it vintage, call it pin-up, I have no idea what is going on here. I had an outfit in mind since two weeks ago, when I made an order for this skirt, but needless to say that I changed my mind like 10 times until last night.
After receiving the skirt two days ago, I saw that it was a bit longer then I expected, so last night (it was midnight actually) I decided to modify it a bit and make it shorter. And now it's just perfect!
About the shirt: I went thrift shopping yesterday with my boyfriend (yes, yes, he was patient enough to walk around with me) and found this lovely shirt. I had one before, red with white hearts, but for some reason I lost it. Yup, I do that...When I saw it, the whole outfit made sense in my mind and I knew how I'm going to wear everything.
So after putting everything together and trying out the outfit in the middle of the night, my boyfriend came with the amazing idea to use the fabric left from the skirt and make a headband. Do I even have to say how much I love him for that idea? That's what I was thinking.
The shoes are nothing special. I wanted to wear another pair, the one that I wore in my first outfit post of this year (this post), but it felt like there's too much going on already, and some plain black shoes would be perfect for this.
Added a belt, a small black bag and some red lipstick, and there I was, freezing my ass while looking fabulous, again.
Buna, fetelor!
Buna, fetelor!
Azi sunt din alta perioada. Vintage, pin-up, ii puteti spune cum vreti pentru ca nici eu nu mai stiu ce se intampla in tinuta asta. Am avut o tinuta in minte de cand am comandat fusta asta acum doua saptamani, dar mi-am schimbat ideile de vreo 10 ori pana acum.
Dupa ce am primit-o acum doua zile, mi-am dat seama ca e putin mai lunga decat mi-am imaginat-o, asa ca azi noapte (pe la miezul noptii, mai exact), am decis ca necesita cateva modificari si am scurtat-o. Acum e perfecta!
Bluza a fost gasita intr-un magazin second hand si o ador! Am mai avut una asemanatoare, rosie cu inimioare albe, dar pentru ceva motiv necunoscut mie, am pierdut-o. Da, mi se intampla asta destul de des, nu stiu cum...
Asa ca dupa ce am terminat de modificat si pus toate piesele cap la cap, iubitul meu a venit cu ideea geniala sa folosesc ce material mi-a ramas dupa modificarea fustei si sa-mi fac o bentita. Mai e nevoie sa va spun cat de mult il iubesc pentru ideile lui geniale? Cred ca nu.
Pantofii nu's nimic special, am vrut sa port alta pereche, cea purtata in prima tinuta postata anul asta, dar deja mi se parea destul de incarcata tinuta, asa ca am purtat o pereche simpla, fara nimic complicat.
Am agaudat o curea, o geanta, putin ruj rosu si gata tinuta!
Bineinteles ca iar am tremurat pe afara, dar cui ii pasa, m-am simtit bine!
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