13 decembrie 2013

Friday the 13th

Hey, girls!
After a devilish week, and a friday the 13th day, i'm finally getting some rest. I am a bit confused by the weather in Bucharest, today is sooo warm outsite, like september worm... so, as a result, my wardrobe is a hot mess right now. I will leave you now with some pictures of my casual comfy outfit!

Dupa o saptamana groaznica si o zi de vineri 13, in sfarsit ma pot odihni.Sunt putin nedumerita de vremea asta din Bucuresti, azi e atat de cald afara, exact ca la inceputul toamnei... si, ca rezultat al vremii nehotarate, garderoba mea e un dezastru. Am purtat noua mea geanta de care nu ma mai pot desparti si o pereche de pantaloni raiati de la Kurtmann.ro pe care ii ador. Se aseaza atat de bine si sunt foarte comozi. 
P.S.: Nu uitati ca maine incepand cu ora 11 ne vedem la Cloud No. 9 pop-up store - White Christmas Edition. Mai multe detalii AICI.

Shoes: Daichmann
Pants: HERE
Coat: Local store
Necklace: HERE
Bag: Local store
Super slim price flash sale! Only 7 days!
The winter holiday must-haves collection! $9.99 up!
Comment under the product, and get a chance to win a free one.
Already started! Don’t miss, girls!

Go: http://www.romwe.com/flashsale/activeleft?active_id=177?

And there’s also The 4th Anniversary Celebration Week 2
The link: http://www.romwe.com/The-4th-Anniversary-Celebration-Week-2-c-364.html

18 comentarii:

  1. Imi place tinuta ta...:)
    Irina from www.oglindaoglinjoara.blogspot.ro

  2. Imi place mult colierul, vreau si asa ceva ;)


    1. multumesc! gasesti aici: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jewellery-Box/380409402092625

  3. Îmi place mult ţinuta aleasă, Raluca! Şi geanta e superbă ♥
    Weekend minunat! ♥


Can't wait to read your lovely comments!